This twenty-third episode of the Philosophy Bakes Bread radio show and podcast is a special edition of the show that we call a "breadcrumb." A Breadcrumb is a short, 8-20 minute episode that was cut off from a longer show, that's a collage of little clips, or that is a response to listener feedback. Today's breadcrumb episode features Dr. Mariana Alessandri of the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, talking with us again, about the bread baking metaphor for philosophy, how apt it is, but for surprising reasons. Bread is useful, but very few people today bake it themselves.
Dr. Alessandri was with us on episode 22 of the show, "The Little Engine that Couldn't." If you haven't heard it yet, listening to this one first, check them both out, as well as episode 24, out next, which is a second breadcrumb episode that we recorded as well.
As always, you can reach out to us on Facebook @PhilosophyBakesBread and on Twitter @PhilosophyBB; email us at; or call and record a voicemail that we play on the show, at 859.257.1849. Philosophy Bakes Bread is a production of the Society of Philosophers in America (SOPHIA). Check us out online at and check out SOPHIA at